Lex Claudia, VWAA's magazine, returns after a publishing hiatus of nine years! Lex Claudia has been an integral part of the VWAA mission since the inception of our organization; however, in recent years, there has been a lack of availability of members able to devote time to its regular publication. Indeed, Volume I, Number 1 of Lex Claudia was dated June, 1981, before the official inauguration of the VWAA itself in October, and according to a 2016 VWAA history of our organization, the publication “created quite a stir! The Washington Post, The Richmond Times, the Alexandria Gazette, and the Northern Virginia Journal ALL published articles in response to its publication” and “the format and content were used as models for other women’s groups and associations.” Bemoaning the then two year gap in publication of the magazine, Lex Claudia history concluded: “It should be obvious from the decreasing frequency of publication that publishing the Lex in a traditional bound paper format has become increasingly difficult. Being an editor, even with assistance from law students willing to do cite checking, it is an arduous task. Still, publishing the Lex Claudia helped our Association gain stature in the legal community and has always been well-received by our judicial and attorney members. I hope the effort and tradition will continue.”