Northern Virginia Chapter

The Northern Virginia Chapter has over 80 members.

Chapter Officers

Laurie Neff

Kabara Praskavich

Eileen Blessinger

Dana Wolfson

Chapter members may access additional resources in the Member Portal

Meetings, Initiatives & Events

The Northern Virginia Chapter holds regular monthly meetings. Annual events include Color of Justice Program and an Ethics Seminar.

ShounBach attorney Molly Garrett, a former President of the Northern Virginia Women Attorneys Association (NVWAA), launched the NVWAA’s Mount Vernon Initiative during her tenure in 2016 to promote diversity in the legal field and bridge the gap between legal professionals and young women interested in the law and the legal profession. Through the Mount Vernon Program, VWAA volunteers have traveled to Mount Vernon High School to discuss and present on numerous topics. In its first year, volunteers discussed various topics with the students including different law school experiences, how to prepare for and apply to law school, different legal practice areas, different jobs available to people with law degrees and more. Since its inception, the program has inspired many students to further explore a profession in the law. Find out more about the Mount Vernon Program.

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